Louisiana Destinations ... Travel Across the Bayou State

Houma Louisiana

Houma, "The Heart of America's Wetland", is located on historic U.S. Highway 90 between New Orleans and Morgan City.

Cypress swamp in Louisiana
Cypress swamp near Houma, Louisiana (Staff Photo)

It is also sometimes called "the Venice of America" due to the numerous bayous and bays in the immediate area, and its strategic location on the Intracoastal Waterway and the Houma Navigation Channel.

It is the parish seat of Terrebonne Parish, and has a population of about 33,000 residents.

Houma was founded in 1834 and incorporated in 1848, and is named after the Houmas Indians. Terrebonne Parish was established March 22, 1822.

Area towns include Raceland, Lockport, Thibodaux, Labadieville, Napoleonville, Paincourtville, Larose, Cut Off, Galliano, Golden Meadow, Leeville, Dulac, Grand Isle and Cocodrie.

Houma and these surrounding communities are heavily based on Cajun tradition and culture, and are proud of their open hospitality and friendliness.

Houma, in the Heart of America's Wetland, in South Louisiana


Houma Louisiana Area Attractions

Houma is famous for its Cajun food, charter boat fishing, swamps, Cajun music and dance halls. Houma also is well known for its birding trails, an exotic wildlife park, museums, Mardi Gras celebrations and more.

Explore Louisiana weather and climate ... current condtions, weather radar, forecasts and hurricane and tropical storm history and predictions
Explore the Atchafalaya Basin Swamp near Houma, Louisiana

It is also close to the Atchafalaya Basin Swamp and available are a variety of marsh tours, swamp tours and airboat tours. The Atchafalaya Basin is the nation’s largest river swamp, containing almost one million acres of the nation’s most significant bottomland hardwoods, swamps, bayous and backwater lakes.

It is among the most culturally rich and ecologically varied regions in the United States, home to the widely recognized Cajun culture as well as a diverse population of European, African, Caribbean and Native-American descent.

Houma's geographical location produces a combination of deep sea, coastal, brackish and freshwater fishing. Among the popular travel attractions are the following:

  • Mandalay National Wildlife Refuge
  • Southdown Plantaton and Museum
  • Regional Military Museum
  • Bayou Terrebonne Waterlife Museum
  • St Francis de Sales Cathedral
  • Terrebonne Folklife Culture Center
  • Roger D. Songe Veterans Memorial Park
  • Jolly Inn Cajun Dance Hall

Houma's location near Terrebonne Bay, Timbalier Bay and the open expanses of the Gulf of Mexico offers plentiful fishing options including king mackerel, cobia, redfish, speckled trout, bass and drum.

For more tourist information, contact the Houma Area Convention & Visitors Bureau


Swamp Tours in the Houma Area

Take a boat tour of the many swamps near Houma

One of the most popular things to do in Louisiana is touring the swamps!

The lush growth in a Louisiana swamp is indescribable. You have to see it to believe it.

The most impressive objects in the swamp are the cypress trees which are very graceful in their structure, with their reddish bark, exquisitely bent branches, and delicately fine leaves.

Swamp tours are available starting at a number of area communities such as Houma, Thibodaux, Gibson, Kraemer, Patterson, Napoleonville and Theriot.

Learn more about Swamp Tours Near Houma, Morgan City & Thibodaux

Swamp People, on the History Channel ... many episodes are filmed near Pierre Part, Louisiana


"Swamp People" TV Show

Explore the Swamp People TV show, filmed around Pierre Part

South Louisiana is a delicate, complex combination of swamps, wetlands, bayous, marshes, estuaries, and river delta area where the Atchafalaya River and the Gulf of Mexico converge.

It is often called "America's Wetland", and is navigated by the alligator hunters in a variety of motor boats, airboats, and piroques.

Some episodes of the popular TV reality show "Swamp People" are filmed close to Houma, such as at Lake Verret and Pierre Part.

Other segments are shot around other swamps in South Louisiana, such as those near Bayou Sorrel, Pecan Island, Bayou Pigeon, Morgan City and other locales.

Swamp People Season 16 debuted on the History Channel on January 2, 2025!

A Native American hunter from the Houma area, R.J. Molinere made a name for himself in Season 2 by catching some of the season’s biggest gators amongst his 200 gator tags. A two-time world champion arm wrestler, R.J., working with his son Jay Paul Molinere, an expert sharpshooter, had another big trapping year in Season 4.

R.J. and Jay Paul also operate swamp tours. For more information, visit the website of R.J. and Jay Paul Molinere, and check out the video below.

R.J. Molinere and Jay Paul Molinere in Houma ... on YouTube


Map of Houma, Louisiana, courtesy of Google Maps

More Houma Area Information & Resources

Houma Area Convention & Visitors Bureau

Houma at LouisianaTravel.com
The Official Travel Website of the State of Louisiana

Explore Houma

Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government

Houma-Terrebonne Chamber of Commerce

United Houma Nation

Houma Travel Guide at TripAdvisor

Earlier Days in Houma

Scene from earlier days at First Methodist Church in Houma, Louisiana

Scene from earlier days at First Methodist Church in Houma, Louisiana

Earlier travel vacations ... Broadway Cottages, Houma, Louisiana

Earlier travel vacations ... Broadway Cottages, Houma, Louisiana

Broadway Motel, Houma, Louisiana

Broadway Motel, Houma, Louisiana

U.S. Post Office, Houma, Louisiana

U.S. Post Office, Houma, Louisiana

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